Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Part of the mission statement of our church is to connect people to Jesus' mission. The mission is to take the Gospel to the entire world. That means sharing the gospel in Lawton and surrounding areas, Oklahoma, United States and around the world. We are able to do this partly because of your gifts to our church. 10% of our giving goes directly to Oklahoma Baptists and part of that money is sent to the Southern Baptist Convention. The bulk of that money goes to support North American and International Missions Boards. (NAMB and IMB) We are involved with missions locally and take trips to various locations. We believer we are to Go and Connect people to Jesus, but also connect people to His Mission.

The Bridge Church
This is an outreach ministry near downtown Lawton that provides meals, clothes closet, and a worship service each Saturday from 11am-2pm. This ministry was started by Jeff Henderson. If you would like to donate clothes, sign up to provide a meal, or volunteer to help serve contact Sherry Cox at (580) 695-3083
Friendship International
The churches of Comanche-Cotton Baptist Association support this ministry, but many FBE ladies serve weekly during the school year. This ministry reaches out to the many internationals in our city to provide Bible study, English and much more. Beverly Passmore is the director of this ministry. See her to find out ways you can be a part.
Pregnancy Resource Center
Help out in the local PRC taking donations, registering clients, and sharing the gospel.
Training is needed .
LaRae Taylor: (580)-536-4040
Training is needed .
LaRae Taylor: (580)-536-4040
Active Missionaries
Danny Brown
Danny Brown has been serving in Thailand for many years and he assists the churches with music ministry and strives to reach the people of Thailand with the gospel. You can give directly to Danny through our church as he is responsible to raise his own support annually. Danny and his family were a vital part of FBE in the 1980's before they moved and Danny remained a part of our church for several years assisting in music and youth ministry before joining YWAM ministries and moving to Thailand.